Obama Out

I voted for him twice and I will miss him. But I try not to idolize and there are things that don’t click. He spoke. I teared up at times. I watched him cry too. I believed. But Gitmo is still open. And the ACA was a bit of a mess. And the drone strikes he ordered have killed  between several hundred and several thousand non-terrorist civilians: women, children – does anyone have a precise fucking number or what?

Don’t start with the “socialism” bullshit.

If you seriously think “socialism” will kill us, go read my other thoughts on the matter. In case I failed to articulate myself clearly, go read evonomics. If you remain unconvinced, get a lobotomy. I try to offer a serious critique of Obama and won’t stand for that idiocy.

He created ISIS because we wanted him to.

We all wanted out of Iraq right around 2007. Only a small minority warned against the withdrawal. The President fulfilled the will of the people. The criticism he gets for doing it now is about as solid as the artificial woodwork in Trump’s hotel rooms.

We all botched the ACA.

Our representatives did that. What started with noble intentions got dragged through the Lower and the Upper chamber where most of the 535 vampires took turns sucking out marrow, tearing out pieces and stuffing their bullshit in. As expected, it was a bit wobbly once it came out.

The thing is, it can absolutely be made to work. This country has some 200 unmanned areal systems – flying fucking robots – with missiles, cameras, and heat sensors, circling above about 7 different countries in the Middle East. Right now. Are you telling me we can’t afford to fix a homeless dude’s broken leg? If we can’t do that, can we at least find a way to keep the homeless from freezing to death? For fuck’s sake.

A two-tier system with a single-payer base level care, and a second private tier for those who want the latest cancer treatment and breast implants – it is absolutely feasible. We’re just not hounding Congress well enough to have it. We’re too distracted with bullshit. Too little knowledge, too little courage and too much Ayn Rand. We get what we deserve.

I give Obama a pass on some ACA woes. I recognize that he was cockblocked in many ways. I pause at the drone strikes and consider carefully the fucked up calculus that they come out of…

but don’t you compromise on rights!

That’s the part you don’t fuck up – Guantanamo, the NSA metadata collection. That shit has got to go. I can’t speak for everyone but I’ll personally rather risk dying in another 9/11-type attack over that idiocy. I thought we all agreed on “Give me liberty of give me death” back in 1776? No?

This is the one thing I’ll blame Obama for. Drumpf – the Golden Shower Candidate, the PEEOTUS – shall inherit a powerful and dangerous all-knowing surveillance apparatus. Not good.

At any rate.

Obama. Barry. (Why doesn’t he like Barry?) I respect you even though I don’t agree on all counts. In many ways you leave big shoes to fill. You leave them to a raving orangutan with tiny hands…

And you had the sparkle and the class. Fair to say, a second “Camelot”. Take good care.

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